
Thursday, July 28, 2011

100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Pull-A-Part Bread

I’ve been reading Chef Dennis’s Blog, “More Than a Mount Full” since I began blogging. How could I not? His blog provides a wealth of knowledge for both new and seasoned bloggers. For seasoned bloggers, he provides recipes and tips that are inventive and original.  For new bloggers, in an effort to help them find their niche and succeed, in what some may consider, a saturated market, he dedicates a great deal of his posts to [food] blogosphere “trade secrets”. He also dedicates every Friday to giving a blogger the opportunity to blog on a stage, other than their own.

I’ve been secretly dreaming about the day I would be able to metaphorically, sing on his stage. (I’m sure this isn’t a surprise to many of you as I’ve already shared what happens when I have an opportunity to sing.)

Well, today is my first opportunity, since launching my blog thee months ago, to have my voice heard in front of an audience other than what I’ve been able to generate on my own. Sure the timing wasn’t ideal, and I didn't really feel ready, but when is it ever the right time and when do we ever feel ready? If I spent my life waiting for the perfect moment, I’d never get anything done. So, I said, “ YES!” (As it turns out…that was the easy part). To find out what I did next, you’ll have to head over to Chef Dennis’s Blog More Than a Mountfull.  (don't forget to say hey when you stop over.)

Thank you Chef Dennis! I’ve truly appreciated how this opportunity has helped me find my [blogging] voice.


  1. just found read your post on chef dennis' website! it was lovely! i can't wait to try the recipe. great job! :)

  2. I just left Chef Dennis' website and wanted to hop over here to tell you how much I enjoyed your post. I love the healthy changes that you made to that recipe. It looks fantastic. This might be just the recipe that will get me over my irrational fear of yeast. I'm so happy that he introduced us to you and I look forward to following along with you. Have a fantastic weekend!

  3. I've been following you for a while now, but I had to stop by after seeing you on Chef Dennis' blog today. I can hardly wait to try that recipe with the changes you made! Thank you!!

  4. Hi Gwenevere, Nice to meet you through Chef Dennis. I love this whole wheat pull apart cinnamon bread recipe. It looks delicious.

  5. Wow...all that and you can sing too!!! I absolutely love the video! Thank you for finding your voice and for such a wonderful guest post!
    I am so happy to have met you!
    Have a great weekend my friend

  6. will check out the guest post enjoyed your video beautiful singing very creative love how you ended the video :)
    regards Akheela

  7. Absolutely delicious it didn"t last long at our house. Love your blog you are a great cook and a great writer. By the way your pictures are great also.

  8. Awesome guest post, Gwenevere! Loved reading it on Chef Dennis' blog... Can't believe how healthy it sounds when it looks so yummy! LOVE the video too :) Great singing and cute video :)

  9. Nice to meet you Gwenevere! I love your video, so creative. This is a great guest post.
